There are many artickes about aring for the outside of a property – every single home and restoration magazine covers one, other or both. There are the helpful little reminders that one needs to keep the gutters cleasned out regularly and ensuring that nothing bird or nest shasped goes down the downpipes as this stops rain water going down. If like me you have 4 or 5 water butts attached to downpipes, then the resulting collection will tend to be disappointingly small and ineffecive if something is bunging up the free flow of rain. Howeer the inside of a property is equally important. Ensurin that any mould or damp areas are ventiated, the dampness investigated and if anything is causing it that can be prevented from, that must be done at earliest possible opportunity. Damp is a terribe scourge for the poorer families living in cramp conditions. Also, some tenants are less keen on getting involved in their citizen rights so they don’t raise the issue with anyone. Care of the interior of our porpoerties is absolutely essential to ensure the value when bought or passed on to us is maintained at correct levels.