This is now springtide – just running up to Easter is exactly the time for looking at decorating, of course! It is a well known fact that more people pick up paint charts and tile samples near Easter than at any other time of the year because the longer days and brighter weather seems to trigger a nesting instinct in even the hardest heart. That desire to make our home as comfortable and refreshed as possible. The out of town decorating and diy superstores are absolutely awash with new colours and schemes too if the tv advertisements are anything to go by. It’s the preparation time that I find more challenging – do I get the old fashioned sugar soap to rub down the walls and paintwork, or is there a more modern method. Can I manage to pait the walls ayway . . . Modern decorating materials now allow one coat instead of several – I’m not convinced that professional painters like that however, they still subscribe to the several light coats give a more even finish than one thick one.